Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bay2 Bay

Bay2Bay is the unofficial name given to what we hope will be a stunning cycle and walking facility between Napier and Gisborne.

The plan is to establish a trust to progress the development of a rail trail between Poverty Bay (starting/ending Gisborne - New Zealand North Island East Coast) to Hawke Bay (starting/ending Napier City - New Zealand North Island East Coast) 200kms apart.

For many years the Napier to Gisborne rail line has not made money for the owners, past and present. Kiwi Rail is the current owner/operator, Kiwi Rail’s number one shareholder is the New Zealand Government.

The rail line is the only rail link out of Gisborne, used by just one train a week.

Yes it's still a rail line, but we believe the alternative, a walking/rail trail, a tourism facility similar to what has been created in Central Otago - the Central Otago Rail Trail - would help stimulate the economy, help transform tourism, bolster the numerous rural communities between Gisborne and Napier, improve the environment and keep Kiwis and tourists fitter.

The first step is to establish a trust, The Bay2Bay Rail Trail Trust (a name given by a keen Wellington Cyclist). Once established the Trust would commission a economic feasibility study on an Rail/walking trail for this isolated East Coast region, then lobby for such a facility to be built. We do not envisage a trail built along side the existing rail line, we envisage it replacing the rail line. A line for walkers and cyclists, not trains. In other words using the existing rail corridor.

The current Napier to Gisborne rail line is "sacrosanct" according to Mr A Dick chairman of the Hawkes Bay Regional Council and chairman of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Land Transport Committee, "It will never be a rail trail". We hope he is wrong. Once established the Bay2Bay Rail Trail Trust will provide strong evidence for a viable alternative to rail.

Interested in supporting the soon to be established Bay2Bay Rail Trail Trust please contact Brian Fisher Fisher_Blakeley@xtra.co.nz

1 comment:

  1. Reckon you are on to a winner here. Imagine this ride - up towards the Esk forest, the Mohaka viaduct, Mahia Peninsula, the wineries to plan the trip, the wineries to relive the trip...
